AJAX Requests (Data Attributes API)


The Data Attributes API is the simpler way of embedding AJAX functionality in your themes and plugins, and removes the need to be experienced with JavaScript. While the JavaScript API has had numerous changes from the original AJAX framework, the Data Attributes API has remain largely unchanged, despite being powered by the new Snowboard framework under the hood.

It can be loaded by adding the following tag into your CMS Theme's page or layout:

{% snowboard request attr %}

NOTE: As per the Migration Guide, arbitrary JavaScript is no longer allowed through the Data Attributes API. Thus, the data-request-before-update, data-request-success, data-request-error and data-request-complete attributes are no longer supported. Please use the JavaScript API if you require this functionality.

Available Data Attributes

Triggering an AJAX request from a valid element is as simple as adding the data-request attribute to that element. This generally should be done on a button, link, or form. You can also customize the AJAX request using the following attributes:

Attribute Description
data-request Specifies the AJAX handler name to target for the request.
data-request-confirm Specifies the confirmation message to present to the user before proceeding with the request. If the user cancels, the request is not sent.
data-request-redirect Specifies a URL to redirect the browser to, if a successful AJAX response is received.
data-request-url Specifies the URL to send the AJAX request to. By default, this will be the current URL.
data-request-update Specifies a list of partials and page elements (CSS selectors) to update on a successful AJAX response. The format is as follows: partial: selector, partial: selector. Usage of quotes is required in most cases: 'partial': 'selector'. If the selector is prepended with an @ symbol, the content received from the server will be appended to the element. If the selector is prepended with a ^ symbol, the content will be prepended. Otherwise, received content will replace the original content in the element.
data-request-data Specifies additional data to send with the request to the server. The format is as follows: 'var': 'value', 'var2': 'new value'. You may also specify this same attribute on any parent elements of the triggering element, and this data will be merged with the parent data (with the triggering data taking preference). It will also be merged with any form data, if this request triggers within a form.
data-request-form Specifies the form that the AJAX request will include its data from. If this is unspecified, the closest form will be used, or if the element itself is a form, then this will be used.
data-request-flash Specifies if flash messages will be accepted from the response.
data-request-stripe Specifies if the stripe loader at the top of the page will be visible. The value can be either 'true' or 'false'. If the data attribute is omitted, the stripe loader will be visible by default.
data-request-files Specifies if file data will be included in the request. This will allow any file inputs in the form to work.
data-browser-validate Specifies if the in-built browser validation will be triggered. If present, the request will be cancelled if the browser validation fails.
data-track-input Specifies if an input will trigger an AJAX request anytime the input changes. An optional number can be specified in this attribute, which represents the amount of milliseconds between any change and the AJAX request triggering.

When the data-request attribute is specified for an element, the element triggers an AJAX request when a user interacts with it. Depending on the type of element, the request is triggered on the following events:

Element Event
Forms when the form is submitted.
Links, buttons when the element is clicked.
Text, number, and password fields when the text is changed and only if the data-track-input attribute is presented.
Dropdowns, checkboxes, radios when the element is selected.

Usage examples

Trigger the onCalculate handler when the form is submitted. Update the element with the identifier "result" with the calcresult partial:

<form data-request="onCalculate" data-request-update="calcresult: '#result'">

Request a confirmation when the Delete button is clicked before the request is sent:

<form ... >
    <button data-request="onDelete" data-request-confirm="Are you sure?">Delete</button>

Redirect to another page after the successful request:

<form data-request="onLogin" data-request-redirect="/admin">

Send a POST parameter mode with a value update:

<form data-request="onUpdate" data-request-data="mode: 'update'">

Send a POST parameter id with value 7 across multiple elements:

<div data-request-data="id: 7">
    <button data-request="onDelete">Delete</button>
    <button data-request="onSave">Update</button>

Including file uploads with a request:

<form data-request="onSubmit" data-request-files>
    <input type="file" name="photo" accept="image/*" />
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>
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