Winter CMS Challenge Coin

Winter CMS Challenge Coin

Winter CMS Challenge Coins are numbered coins that are issued to recognize the contributions and support by various people to the Winter CMS project. Challenge coins are a tradition that dates back millennia and we use them to provide a token of recognition to the people that have helped make Winter what it is today.

The coin consists of two sides; the front has the Winter CMS snowflake over a 3d impression of a snow capped mountain range with the PHP & Laravel logos with the words "Winter CMS" and "Enjoy Development Again" on the top and bottom respectively. Centred in bottom of the front is a spot where the number of the coin is engraved. The back has a glow-in-the-dark QR code that links to and is surrounded on the four corners by the four pillars of Winter: "Speed, Simplicity, Stability, Security".

If you know of someone that has provided meaningful contributions to the Winter CMS project or community, please use the form below to submit a nomination for a coin. All nominations will be considered.

Coin Recipients

Coin Front 90
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Dries Vints

Laravel Core Team Member
Coin Front 91
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Abigail Otwell

Laravel's biggest supporter
Coin Front 59
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Abbas Ali

Co-founder, Laracon India
Coin Front 92
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Caleb Porzio

Laravel Livewire, Alpine.js, Sushi
Coin Front 13
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Phuc Le

Lead Dev @ CMS Max
Coin Front 26
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Jess Archer

Laravel Prompts, Laravel Core Team
Coin Front 57
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Joe Tannenbaum

Laravel VS Code Extension
Coin Front 7
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Michael Towers

Friends / Family
Coin Front 93
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Matt Stauffer

CEO of Tighten
Coin Front 21
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Vishal Rajpurohit

Laracon India
Coin Front 96
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The Primeagen

YouTube & Twitch developer advocate
Coin Front 28
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Margaret Tavares

Operations Manager @ Vehikl
Coin Front 97
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Jack Gehring

Friends / Family
Coin Front 58
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David Maksimov

Laravel Dev @ CMS Max
Coin Front 8
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Jack McDade

Creator of Statamic
Coin Front 87
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Stephen Rees-Carter

Laravel Security Guru
Coin Front 23
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Ian Landsman

Laracon Online, Godfather of Laravel, LaraJobs
Coin Front 29
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Arianna Story

Web Software Engineer @ University of North Carolina
Coin Front 24
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Nuno Maduro

Creator of Pest testing framework, Larastan
Coin Front 22
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Eric Barnes

Laravel News
Coin Front 3
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Jack Wilkinson

Winter CMS Maintainer / General Wizard
Coin Front 17
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Luke Downing

Instructor @ Laracasts
Coin Front 85
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Aaron Francis

Cofounder @ Try Hard Studios
Coin Front 82
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Roman Pronskiy

PHP Foundation, PHP Annotated
Coin Front 83
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Marcel Pociot

BeyondCode, Tinkerwell, NativePHP
Coin Front 99
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H. Towers

Friends / Family
Coin Front 1
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Luke Towers

Lead Maintainer of Winter CMS
Coin Front 89
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Freek Van Der Herten

Creator of, Spatie
Coin Front 42
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David Crossman

Founder of HackRegina
Coin Front 14
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Larry Barker

Founder of
Coin Front 4
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Marc Jauvin

Winter CMS Maintainer / Multilingual Master
Coin Front 2
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Ben Thomson

Winter CMS Maintainer / Designer
Coin Front 86
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Taylor Otwell

Creator of Laravel
Coin Front 25
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Zuzana Kunckova

Larabelles, Laracon US Speaker
Coin Front 6
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Adam Wathan

Creator of Tailwind CSS
Coin Front 11
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Dan Harrin

Founder of Filament
Coin Front 10
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Jasmine Towers

Friends / Family
Coin Front 19
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Contributor to Winter since 2019
Coin Front 94
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Tori Towers

Friends / Family
Coin Front 84
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Jesse Leite

Software Developer @ Statamic
Coin Front 81
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Sawan Ruparel

CTO @ Web Mavens
Coin Front 20
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David Hill

Head of Design @ Laravel
Coin Front 98
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J. Towers

Friends / Family
Coin Front 30
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Craig Whittlef

Business Development @ Curotec
Coin Front 41
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Jasper Maduakor

Business Analyst
Coin Front 9
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Simon Hamp

Coin Front 60
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Shane Rosenthal

Senior Laravel Developer @ Tixel
Coin Front 18
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Noah Bergmann

Friends / Family
Coin Front 95
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Jason Varga

Lead Dev @ Statamic
Coin Front 27
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Joshua Blum

Developer @ Statamic
Coin Front 88
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Tony Lea

Creator of Laravel Voyager
Coin Front 5
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Josh Cirre

Laravel YouTube & Vapor Support

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