
The official Winter CMS Marketplace is closer than ever before.

We won't be long...

We are hard at work developing the official Winter CMS Marketplace, to provide a one-stop shop for all your themes and plugins on your Winter CMS projects. While we hope to have this available soon, don't fret, we also provide a couple of other options for plugin and theme installation.

Via Composer

Recommended method

We recommend using Composer to install plugins and themes for the moment, as Composer handles all dependency requirements and allows you to lock your version of Winter CMS or any of its plugins or dependencies.

For more instructions on how to do this, please read the docs.

Via October CMS Marketplace

Easiest method

Plugins for October CMS will still work for Winter CMS. You may use plugins that you have previously purchased for your project as normal.

While this is the easiest method, there is the potential for slight differences in functionality due to changes introduced in both systems since the fork has occurred.


Take a look at our Awesome compilation of plugins/themes

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