Backend Views & Partials


Backend partials are files with the extension php that reside in the controller's views directory. The partial file names should start with the underscore: _partial.php. Partials can be rendered from a backend page or another partial. Use the controller's makePartial method to render a partial. The method takes two parameters - the partial name and the optional array of variables to pass to the partial. Example:

<?= $this->makePartial('sidebar', ['showHeader' => true]) ?>

Hint partials

You can render informative panels in the backend, called hints, that the user can hide. The first parameter should be a unique key for the purposes of remembering if the hint has been hidden or not. The second parameter is a reference to a partial view. The third parameter can be some extra view variables to pass to the partial, in addition to some hint properties.

<?= $this->makeHintPartial('my_hint_key', 'my_hint_partial', ['foo' => 'bar']) ?>

You can also disable the ability to hide a hint by setting the key value to a null value. This hint will always be displayed:

<?= $this->makeHintPartial(null, 'my_hint_partial') ?>

The following properties are available:

Property Description
type Sets the color of the hint, supported types: danger, info, success, warning. Default: info.
title Adds a title section to the hint.
subtitle In addition to the title, adds a second line to the title section.
icon In addition to the title, adds an icon to the title section.

Checking if hints are hidden

If you're using hints, you may find it useful to check if the user has hidden them. This is easily done using the isBackendHintHidden method. It takes a single parameter, and that's the unique key you specified in the original call to makeHintPartial. The method will return true if the hint was hidden, false otherwise:

<?php if ($this->isBackendHintHidden('my_hint_key')): ?>
    <!-- Do something when the hint is hidden -->
<?php endif ?>

Overriding partials

The backend partial system makes use of the System\Traits\ViewMaker trait to function, which provides the addViewPath() method. This method allows you to add a view path to the list of paths that the system will look in when trying to locate a partial. This allows you to override any existing partial or even provide a new partial for a widget.

You can call this method on a specific instance of any class that implements the ViewMaker trait, or you can make use of the dynamic class extension in Winter to add an override for a specific class globally. For example, if you wanted to override the partials for the Backend\Widgets\Filter widget, you could do the following:


public function index()
    \Backend\Widgets\Filter::extend(function ($widget) {
        $widget->addViewPath(__DIR__ . '../widgets/filter/partials');

    // ...

Layouts and child layouts

Backend layouts reside in an optional layouts/ directory of a plugin. A custom layout is set with the $layout property of the controller object. It defaults to the system layout called default.

 * @var string Layout to use for the view.
public $layout = 'mycustomlayout';

Layouts also provide the option to attach custom CSS classes to the BODY tag. This can be set with the $bodyClass property of the controller.

 * @var string Body CSS class to add to the layout.
public $bodyClass = 'compact-container';

These body classes are available for the default layout:

  • compact-container - uses no padding on all sides.
  • slim-container - uses no padding left and right.
  • breadcrumb-flush - tells the page breadcrumb to sit flush against the element below.

Form with sidebar

Layouts can also be used in the same way as partials, acting more like a global partial. The system provides an example of this called form-with-sidebar and demonstrates a novel way to implement a child layout structure.

Before using this layout style, ensure that your controller uses the body class compact-container by setting it in your controller's action method or constructor.

$this->bodyClass = 'compact-container';

This layout uses two placeholders, a primary content area called form-contents and a complimentary sidebar called form-sidebar. Here is an example:

<!-- Primary content -->
<?php Block::put('form-contents') ?>
    Main content
<?php Block::endPut() ?>

<!-- Complimentary sidebar -->
<?php Block::put('form-sidebar') ?>
    Side content
<?php Block::endPut() ?>

<!-- Layout execution -->
<?php Block::put('body') ?>
    <?= Form::open(['class'=>'layout stretch']) ?>
        <?= $this->makeLayout('form-with-sidebar') ?>
    <?= Form::close() ?>
<?php Block::endPut() ?>

The layout is executed in the final section by overriding the body placeholder used by every backend layout. It wraps everything with a <form /> HTML tag and renders the child layout called form-with-sidebar. This file is located in modules\backend\layouts\form-with-sidebar.php.

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