Asset Compilation - NPM Utilities


Winter supports running npm commands within the context of your packages, i.e. allowing you to update a specific plugins dependencies or allowing you to execute a themes npm script.


The following assumes you have a compatible version of npm installed (>= v7.0), and you have already configured your packages as described in the Asset Compilation guide.

Install Node dependencies

php artisan npm:install <?package name> <dependencies[]>

The npm:install command will install Node dependencies. You are able to target a package to install the dependency into as the first option.

php artisan npm:install acme.plugin is-odd

Multiple packages can be installed in a single command by appending the desired packages to the end of the command.

php artisan npm:install acme.plugin is-odd is-even

If you wish for the dependencies to be installed within devDependencies, you can pass the --dev flag.

php artisan npm:install acme.plugin is-odd is-even --dev

Alternatively, if you wish to install dependencies to your projects root, you may omit the package name from the command.

php artisan npm:install is-odd is-even

Update Node dependencies

php artisan npm:update <?package name> <dependencies[]>

The npm:update command will update Node dependencies. You are able to target a package to update the dependency into as the first option.

php artisan npm:update acme.plugin

If you want to update a specific dependency, simply provide it at the end of the command.

php artisan npm:update acme.plugin is-odd

To tell npm to also save the version update to your package's package.json in addition to the lock file, provide the --save flag

php artisan npm:update acme.plugin --save

To update dependencies of your projects root package.json, omit the package from the command.

php artisan npm:update is-odd

Run a package script

php artisan npm:run <package> <script> [-f|--production] [-- <extra script args>]

If your packages package.json implements scripts, you can execute them via the npm:run command. The following assumes you already have scripts configured.

// package.json
    // ...
    "scripts": {
        "scriptName": "script to execute"
    // ...

The following will run the test script from within the acme.plugin package.

php artisan npm:run acme.plugin test

You are also able to pass custom arguments to the script via adding -- followed by your arguments.

php artisan npm:run acme.plugin test -- --custom-arg --example=1

This can be useful for running arbitrary scripts that augment the capabilities of your plugin or theme, such as executing unit tests, making customised builds and much more. Note that scripts will run with the working directory set to the root folder of the package, not the root folder of the entire project that the artisan command normally executes within.

By default, all package scripts are run in "development" mode. If you wish to run a script in "production" mode, add the -f or --production flag to the command.

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