Command Line Interface


Winter includes several command-line interface (CLI) commands and utilities that allow to install and manage Winter and its plugins and themes, perform site maintenance and speed up the development process. The console commands are executed through Laravel's Artisan command-line tool.

Commands are executed by using your terminal or shell and running the following command in the root folder of your project:

php artisan [command]

You can get a list of available commands by not providing any command to the Artisan tool:

php artisan

If you require help or a list of available arguments and options for each command, simply suffix the command with the --help flag:

php artisan [command] --help

Autocompletion / suggested input values

With the upgrade to Laravel 9 / Symfony 6, support was added for commands to be able to provide tab-autocomplete results to the shell for an improved user experience. Most Winter commands provide support for autocompletion of input values out of the box and it is easy to add support in your own custom commands when extending the Winter\Storm\Console\Command base class.

This feature requires that you run a command in your shell once in order to enable it for all Laravel / Winter console commands:

php artisan completion --help

Running just artisan completion will generate the shell script required to be imported into your shell in order to enable support for autocompletion of Winter / Laravel commands; passing the --help flag will provide detailed instructions on how to install the generated script.

List of available commands

The following commands are made available to every Winter installation. Click the name of a command to view more information about the usage of that command.

Command Description
Setup & Maintenance
winter:install Install Winter via command line.
winter:update Update Winter and its plugins using the Marketplace via the command line.
winter:up Run database migrations.
winter:passwd Change the password of an administrator.
winter:env Use environment files and configuration for Winter.
winter:version Display the version of Winter in use.
winter:fresh Remove the demo plugin and theme.
winter:mirror Mirror publicly accessible files in another directory.
Plugin management
plugin:install Download and install a plugin for Winter.
plugin:list List installed plugins.
plugin:rollback Rolls back a plugin and its database tables.
plugin:refresh Rolls back a plugin and its database tables, and re-runs all updates.
plugin:disable Disables a plugin.
plugin:enable Enables a plugin.
plugin:remove Removes a plugin.
Theme management
theme:install Download and install a theme for Winter.
theme:list List available themes.
theme:use Switches Winter to the given theme.
theme:remove Removes a theme.
theme:sync Synchronises a theme between the filesystem and the database, if you use the Database Templates feature.
Asset compilation (Mix)
mix:install Install Node dependencies for registered Mix packages.
mix:update Update Node dependencies for registered Mix packages.
mix:list Lists all registered Mix packages.
mix:compile Compiles one or more Mix packages.
mix:watch Watches changes within a Mix package and automatically compiles the package on any change.
mix:run Runs a script within a given package.
create:command Create a Console Command class in a plugin.
create:component Create a frontend Component in a plugin.
create:controller Create a Controller in a plugin.
create:formwidget Create a FormWidget in a plugin.
create:job Create a Job class in a plugin.
create:migration Create a Migration in a plugin.
create:model Create a Model in a plugin.
create:plugin Create a Plugin.
create:reportwidget Create a ReportWidget in a plugin.
create:settings Create a Settings model in a plugin.
create:test Create a Test case in a plugin.
create:theme Create a Theme.
winter:test Run unit tests on Winter and plugins.
winter:util A collection of utilities for Winter development.
Laravel Provided Commands
cache:clear Clear the application cache.
cache:forget Remove an item from the cache
clear-compiled Remove the compiled class file
config:cache Create a cache file for faster configuration loading
config:clear Remove the configuration cache file
down Put the application into maintenance / demo mode
event:cache Discover and cache the application's events and listeners
event:clear Clear all cached events and listeners
event:list List the application's events and listeners
env Display the current framework environment
key:generate Set the application key
optimize Cache the framework bootstrap files
package:discover Rebuild the cached package manifest
queue:failed List all of the failed queue jobs
queue:flush Flush all of the failed queue jobs
queue:forget Delete a failed queue job
queue:listen Listen to a given queue
queue:monitor Monitor the size of the specified queues
queue:prune-batches Prune stale entries from the batches database
queue:prune-failed Prune stale entries from the failed jobs table
queue:restart Restart queue worker daemons after their current job
queue:retry Retry a failed queue job
queue:retry-batch Retry the failed jobs for a batch
queue:work Start processing jobs on the queue as a daemon
route:cache Create a route cache file for faster route registration
route:clear Remove the route cache file
route:list List all registered routes
schedule:finish Handle the completion of a scheduled command
schedule:run Run the scheduled commands
up Bring the application out of maintenance mode
view:clear Clear all compiled view files

Building a command

Plugins can also provide additional commands to augment additional functionality to Winter.

If you wanted to create a console command called myauthor:mycommand, you can run the php artisan create:command MyAuthor.MyPlugin MyCommand scaffolding command which would create the associated class for that command in a file called plugins/myauthor/myplugin/console/MyCommand.php with the following contents:

<?php namespace MyAuthor\MyPlugin\Console;

use Winter\Storm\Console\Command;

class MyCommand extends Command
     * @var string|null The default command name for lazy loading.
    protected static $defaultName = 'myauthor:mycommand';

     * @var string The name and signature of this command.
    protected $signature = 'myauthor:mycommand
        {myArgument : Command argument avaible through $this->argument("myArgument")}
        {--myOptionFlag : Defines a custom path to the "npm" binary}';

     * @var string The console command description.
    protected $description = 'Install Node.js dependencies required for mixed assets';

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return int
    public function handle(): int
        $this->output->writeln('Hello world!');

        return 0; // return 1 if an error occurs

Once your class is created you should fill out the defaultName, signature, and description properties of the class, which will be used when displaying your command on the command list screen.

The handle method will be called when your command is executed. You may place any command logic in this method.

Defining input expectations

See the Laravel documentation for how to define the input expectations (arguments & options) that your command has.

Options for definining input:

Providing suggested values

The Winter\Storm\Console\Traits\ProvidesAutocompletion trait provides a default implementation of the complete() method required to interact with the shell input autocompletion feature provided by Symfony. This simplifies the implementation work required in custom commands using an interface similar to the accessors in Eloquent.

NOTE: This trait is implemented by default in the Winter\Storm\Console\Command base class.

In order to provide input suggestions for a given argument or option, all you have to do is add a method to your command class that is named in the following format: suggest{$inputName}[Values|Options](string $currentValue, array $currentInput): array.

Methods providing values for arguments should end in Values and methods providing values for options should end in Options. See below for a couple of example implementations:

// ...

     * Example implementation of a suggestion method for the "myArgument" argument
    public function suggestMyArgumentValues(string $value = null, array $allInput): array
        if ($allInput['arguments']['dependent'] === 'matches') {
            return ['some', 'suggested', 'values'];
        return ['all', 'values'];

     * Example implementation of a suggestion method for the "package" option
    public function suggestPackageOptions(string $value = null, array $allInput): array
        return Package::all()->pluck('name')->all();

// ...

See the Symfony documentation for more information.

Plugin names as an argument

If your command requires a plugin identifier as one of its arguments in order to scope the actions taken to that specific plugin, then you may use the System\Console\Traits\HasPluginArgument trait in order to provide automatic validation and normalization of the provided input as well as built in support for the input autocompletion feature.

Simply include the trait in your class and define plugin as an argument in your command's signature:

use Winter\Storm\Console\Command;
use System\Console\Traits\HasPluginArgument;

class MyCommand extends Command
    use HasPluginArgument;

    // ...

     * @var string The name and signature of this command.
    protected $signature = 'myauthor:mycommand
        {plugin : The plugin to interact with. <info>(eg: Winter.Blog)</info>}';

    // ...

     * @var string What type of plugins to suggest in the CLI autocompletion. Valid values: "enabled", "disabled", "all"
    protected $hasPluginsFilter = 'enabled';

    public function handle()
        // helper method that validates and normalizes the user provided input
        $pluginName = $this->getPluginIdentifier();

        // Do things with $pluginName

Retrieving input

See the Laravel documentation for how to retrieve input.

Available input methods:

Confirmation via input

In addition to the extra input options that Laravel provides, the confirmsWithInput($message, $requiredInput) method can be used to display a warning message and a prompt that will ask the user to input the specified string in order to confirm a potentially destructive action.

This feature requires that your command includes the \Winter\Storm\Console\Traits\ConfirmsWithInput trait.

use Winter\Storm\Console\Command;
use Winter\Storm\Console\Traits\ConfirmsWithInput;

class MyCommand extends Command
    use ConfirmsWithInput;

    public function handle()
        $pluginName = $this->argument('plugin');

        if (!$this->confirmWithInput(
            "This will remove the database tables and files for the \"$pluginName\" plugin.",
        )) {
            return 1;

        // Do dangerous things with $pluginName

This will display the following:


If your command defines a --force option in its signature, then that option can be used to bypass the confirmation step and production alert.

Handling process signals

The Winter\Storm\Console\Traits\HandlesCleanup trait provides a default implementation of the getSubscribedSignals() & handleSignal() methods required to interact with process signals forwarded by Symfony. This simplifies the implementation work required in custom commands for the common requirement of performing cleanup tasks when the command is terminated by the user in a cross-platform friendly manner.

NOTE: This trait is implemented by default in the Winter\Storm\Console\Command base class. If you want to add it to a class that does not extend this base class you will also need to implement the Symfony\Component\Console\Command\SignalableCommandInterface interface on your class.

To take advantage of this trait, either extend the base Winter\Storm\Console\Command class or add the Winter\Storm\Console\Traits\HandlesCleanup trait to your class and then implement the handleCleanup() method as shown below:

use Winter\Storm\Console\Command as BaseCommand;

class MyCommand extends BaseCommand // implements \Symfony\Component\Console\Command\SignalableCommandInterface
    // Uncomment if not extending the BaseCommand class
    // use \Winter\Storm\Console\Traits\HandlesCleanup;

    // ...

     * Handle the cleanup of this command if a termination signal is received
    public function handleCleanup(): void
        $workingPath = storage_path('tmp/my-working-file.json');
        $this->info('Cleaning up: ' . $workingPath);

See the Symfony documentation for more information.

Processing Records

Winter provides the Winter\Storm\Console\ProcessesQuery trait for use in console commands that have to process a large number of records sourced from a database query. An example use of the trait is provided below:

<?php namespace MyAuthor\MyPlugin\Console;

use Winter\Storm\Console\Command;
use MyAuthor\MyPlugin\Models\MyModel;

class ProcessRecords extends Command
    use \Winter\Storm\Console\Traits\ProcessesQuery;
    use \Winter\Storm\Console\Traits\ConfirmsWithInput;

     * @var string The console command name.
    protected static $defaultName = 'myplugin:processrecords';

     * @var string The name and signature of this command.
    protected $signature = 'myplugin:processrecords
        {--limit=0 : The maximum number of records to process. Defaults to all.}
        {--chunk=100 : The number of records to process at once.}
        {--f|force : Force the operation to run and ignore production warnings and confirmation questions.}

     * @var string The console command description.
    protected $description = 'Processes the selected records';

     * Execute the console command.
    public function handle(): int
        // Build the query that will retrieve all the records to be processed
        $query = MyModel::query()->withTrashed();

        // Get the total number of records to be processed for the alert message
        $totalRecords = $query->count();

        // Ask the user to confirm the processing action by entering the number
        // of records to be affected
        if (!$this->confirmWithInput(
                'This will process all selected records, a total of %s.',
        )) {
            return 1;

        // Process the records
            function ($record) {

        return 0;

Writing output

See the Laravel documentation for how to send output to the console.

Available output methods:


The alert($message) method makes it easy to render an "alert box" with the provided message in order to draw more attention to an important notice.

This method is also provided by Laravel (currently undocumented), however Winter's implementation also includes support for automatically wrapping the alert box size to the standard 80 characters of width to prevent long messages from breaking the formatting of the alert box.

$this->alert('This will remove the database tables and files for the "Winter.Builder" plugin.');

Will output

*  This will remove the database tables and files for the   *
*                 "Winter.Builder" plugin.                  *

Registering commands

Registering a console command

Once your command class is finished, you need to register it so it will be available for use. This is typically done in the register method of a Plugin registration file using the registerConsoleCommand helper method.

class MyPlugin extends PluginBase
    public function register()
        $this->registerConsoleCommand('myauthor.mycommand', \MyAuthor\MyPlugin\Console\MyCommand::class);

Alternatively, plugins can supply a file named init.php in the plugin directory that you can use to place command registration logic. Within this file, you could use the Artisan::add method to register the command:

Artisan::add(new MyAuthor\MyPlugin\Console\MyCommand);

Registering a command in the application container

If your command is registered in the application container, you may use the Artisan::resolve method to make it available to Artisan:


Registering commands in a service provider

If you need to register commands from within a service provider, you should call the commands method from the provider's boot method, passing the container binding for the command:

public function boot()
    $this->app->singleton('myauthor.mycommand', function () {
        return new \MyAuthor\MyCommand\Console\MyCommand;


Calling other commands

See the Laravel documentation for how to call commands programmatically.

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